About Me
I am a tenure-track assistant professor in the Zilber College of Public Health at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I am interested in natural language processing and human-computer interaction with a focus on health-related topics. I earned my PhD degree in Informatics from the University of California, Irvine in 2023 and my Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2017. More information can be found in my CV (Last updated: February 2025).
I am looking for student researchers who are interested in health informatics, HCI, and applied NLP. If you are interested in working with me, please send a copy of your CV and potential research projects you would like to work on to he32[at]uwm[dot]edu.
My research goals:
[J13] He C, Deng Y, He L, Guo Q, Zhang Y, Lu Z, Li B. Engage Wider Audience or Facilitate Quality An- swers? a Mixed-methods Analysis of Questioning Strategies for Research Sensemaking on a Community Q&A Site. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW. 2024 (Accepted)
[J12] He C, He L, Yang W, Li B. Images Connect Us Together: Navigating a COVID-19 Local Outbreak in China Through Social Media Images. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW. 2024 (Accepted)
[J11] Ye J, He L, Beestrum M. Implications for implementation and adoption of telehealth in low-and- middle income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: systematic review of China’s practices and experiences. npj Digit. Med. 6, 174 (2023).
[J10] He C, He L, Lu Z, Li B. “I have to use my son’s QR code to run the business”: unpacking senior street vendors’ challenges in mobile money collection in China. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW. 2023. (in press)
[J9] Griffin A, He L, Sunjaya A, King A, Khan Z, Douthit B, Nwadiugw M, Subbin, V, Braunstein M, Nguyen V, Jaffe C, Schleyer T. Clinical, technical, and implementation characteristics of real-world health applications using FHIR. Accepted to Journal of American Medical Informatics Association Open. 2022. (in press)
[J8] He L, Yin T, Zheng K. They May not Work! An Evaluation of Eleven Sentiment Analysis Tools on Seven Social Media Datasets. Accepted to Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI) (Forthcoming, 2022)
[J7] He L, He C. Help Me #DebunkThis: Unpacking Individual and Community’s Collaborative Work in Information Credibility Assessment. Accepted to CSCW 2022, forthcoming
[J6] Su Z, He L, Jariwala SP, Zheng K, Chen Y. “What is your envisioned future?”: towards human-AI enrichment in data work of asthma care. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW (2022, forthcoming)
[J5] He C, Liu H, He L, Lu T, Li B. More Collaboration, Less Seriousness: Investigating New Strategies for Promoting Youth Engagement in Government-Generated Videos during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China. Accepted to Computers in Human Behavior, 2021 Online First
[J4] He C, He L, Lu T, Li B. Beyond Entertainment: Unpacking Danmaku and Comments’ Role of Information Sharing and Sentiment Expression in Online Crisis Videos. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction Volume 5, CSCW 2021 ACM
[J3] He L*, He C*, Reynolds TL, Bai Q, Huang Y, Li C, Zheng K, Chen Y. Why do people oppose mask wearing? A comprehensive analysis of US tweets during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021. * indicates equal contribution Publisher Editor's Choice & Featured
[J2] He L, Yin T, Hu Z, Chen Y, Hanauer DA, Zheng K. Developing a Standardized Protocol for Computational Sentiment Analysis Research Using Health-Related Social Media Data. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020. PubMed
[J1] Ma H, Smith CE, He L, Narayanan S, Giaquinto RA, Evans R, Hanson L, Yarosh S. Write for Life: Persisting in Online Health Communities through Expressive Writing and Social Support. In Proc. of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 2018 Online First. ACM
[C8] He C, He L, Lu Z, Li B. Seeking love and companionship through streaming: unpacking livestreamer- moderated senior matchmaking in China. In: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’23, Conditionally Accepted)
[C7] Guo Y, Zhu J, Huang Y, He L, He C, Li C, Zheng K. Public opinions toward COVID-19 vaccine mandates: a machine learning-based analysis of U.S. tweets. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2022. (in press) Second Place in Student Paper Competition Finalist
[C6] He L*, Song T*, Jiang Y, Yu P, Gong Y. To Improve Supportive Care for Patients Taking Oral Anticancer Agents. Proceedings of the 2021 World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics (MEDINFO 2021). (* equal contribution)PubMed
[C5] He L, He C, Wang Y, Hu Z, Zheng K, Chen Y. What Do Patients Care About? Mining Fine-grained Patient Concerns from Online Physician Reviews Through Computer-Assisted Multi-level Qualitative Analysis. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2020. (forthcoming) Pre-print Student Paper Competition Finalist
[C4] He L, Zheng K. How do general-purpose sentiment analyzers perform when applied to health-related online social media data? In: Proceedings of the 2019 World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics (MEDINFO ’19). 2019. PubMed Student Best Paper Nomination
[C3] Shehada ER, He L, Eikey EV, Jen M, Wong A, Young S, Zheng K. Characterizing frequent flyers of an emergency department using cluster analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2019 World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics (MEDINFO ’19). 2019. PubMed
[C2] Chi C, He L, Ravvaz K, Weissert J, Tonellato P. Optimized Decision Support Rules of Precision Warfarin Treatment. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2018. PubMed
[C1] Fan Y, He L, Pakhomov S, Melton G, Zhang R. Classifying Supplement Use Status in Clinical Notes. 2017 American Medical Informatics Association Joint Summits (AMIA). PubMed 2nd Place in Student Paper Competition
[A5]He L, Ma H, Moldenhauer M, Zheng K. Extracting clinical and non-clinical information from clinical notes for veterans with lymphoid malignancies with limited expert annotation to assist clinical research. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2022. (in press) (Graduate Student Consortium)
[A4] Griffin A, He L, Sunjaya A, King A, Khan Z, Douthit B, Nwadiugw M, Subbin, V, Braunstein M, Nguyen V, Jaffe C, Schleyer T. Assessment of Real-World Health Applications on FHIR. Poster accepted to AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2022. To Appear.
[A3] He L, Cheng Y, Zhou T, Xian Y. Investigating the Narratives of Anti-Asian Hate Speech on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Podium Abstract accepted to AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2021, to appear
[A2] Goyal J, Ng DQ, Maddhuri J, Kumar AS, Jia S, He L, Wisseh C, Nguyen M, Lee J, McBane S, Zheng K, Hurley-Kim K, Nguyen Lee, Chan A, Cadiz CL. Predicting adverse drug events using the All of Us cohort data: A feasibility study. American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP 2021)
[A1] Yin T & He L. Challenges of applying sentiment analysis on health-relatedsocial media data. Southern California Natural Language Processing Symposium (SoCal 2019) Best Poster Award
Contact Me
Email: he32[at]uwm[dot]edu